The similarities between today's Republicans and fascists are strong, and I'm glad Saletan and others are pointing them out, but something I'm not seeing many writers discuss is the irony of Republicans, who make a strategy over degrading, dehumanizing labels and descriptions for Democrats, are now so butthurt over being called fascists. Someone from the Bulwark, please write a column about all the truly nasty, mendacious things Republicans have said about Democrats over just this past year.

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Biden was being polite. Maga are fully fascists. The country was already divided. Probably to the point of no return. Honestly, Biden has probably kept things from exploding. Trump helped widen that division immensely. Biden isn’t the issue for them. ANY democratic politician and president in particular is or will be unacceptable. They want one party and only one party.

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"Semi-Fascism" is like being "a little pregnant." Call it what it is.

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Why Trump Can’t Be Prosecuted By Donald J Trump (and ghostwriters)

DOJ OLC says you can’t prosecute a sitting president.

I’m the President! I won!

The Docs collected by the failed FBI were secret McDonald’s Dollar Meals. Must be kept from Burger King!

I am only subject to prosecution when the moon is in the seventh house and Jupiter aligns with Mars.

I can’t be prosecuted on Mondays, Thursdays, Tuesdays, Fridays or Wednesdays. And Judges don’t do weekends!

My hair is too great to be prosecuted!

Bill Barr will obstruct Justice again (well maybe not).

I look terrible in orange!

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While I detest “whataboutism”, it is worth noting the hypocrisy of MAGA Republicans’ high dudgeon over being called out for their fealty to a strongman authoritarianism, when for a generation they have been calling run of the mill Democrats “Socialists”, “Marxists”, etc, all the while cashing their Soc Sec checks, availing themselves of Medicare, and depositing worry-free in FDIC-insured financial institutions. The social safety net is for me, not for thee! We live in an irony-free world, don’t we?

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So, are there any Las Vegas odds on which major event will most likely bring Trump down? Then you get the follow up question of whether he will be found guilty on any of them?

We're fast approaching the dog catching the car here. Lindsay Graham and his "Indictments are for the Little People", where do people think this will go if Trump is actually found guilty and then sentenced to time? I really have no idea. Will he flee the country?

What I do look forward to are all of the lawyers and enablers who helped Trump do what he did. Those people really are likely to do time. I can count, Giuliani, Eastman ,Powell, Onato (sp) , Stone again, Bannon, Meadows, who else? The children?

We need some enterprising soul to make a deck of cards with all the major players. I'd like one. The one thing sure to drive Trump mad is seeing the opposition monetizing the event.

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The reason Gym Jordan is terrified of being called a Fascist, is that if Trump does come back, Gym will no longer be able to wear just his shirt and tie into the Chambers of Congress.

Herr Drumpf will require his stooges to wear the full-on SS uniform with the stiff collared neck apparatus.

But at least Gym will be able to include on his tunic's breast his medal from The Ohio State University which he received for "Best Rasslin' Coach Who Didn't Rat Out The Pedophile Doctor"

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Sep 1, 2022·edited Sep 1, 2022

Should the GOP....er....GQP ever regain control of both wings of Congress and the executive office, watch out. Head for the hills. Evacuate to Bonaire or Bora Bora. Because then the current collective narcissistic pseudo outrage of the semi-fascism appellation will transmogrify to the self contentment and comfort of full blown, overt fascism. But I am probably wrong. Why?

The Party of Trump is already bathing in the hellish cesspool of abject totalitarianism. They are just biding time to put the iron fist into play.

PS Ever notice that the closed and raised fist (see TFG at a mob rally) is now de rigueur.? So Mussolini.

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Mr. Saletan, I think your article about fascism would be improved by actually including the definition of fascism, rather than assuming people already know it. I would bet that many people think they know it and don’t.

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I am loving Amanda Carpenter’s eagle eye on what is continuing to go on with Republican’s election machinations. I had no idea that Kemp swiveled hard right to court and include active election deniers. Will said Amanda would be continuing to do this work and I hope she does. I’m sorry that we need this but we do -- we need to be reminded that the machine Trump and his team set up continues to grind on. It hasn’t stopped. I don’t even think it even stuttered.

The Bacardi Sellers was uncomfortably fascinating. I don’t know if Mr. Sellers felt like a pincushion after it but I would have, especially after Tim’s off-hand remark that he was tired of diversity always having to center people’s trauma. (Also, I agree about Kamala Harris and think people should have been more serious about Amy Klobuchar.)

I’m guess I’m not as fiscally liberal as I thought because the in-for-the-dime-in-for-the-dollar hand-waving by Mr. Sellers took me aback. While I’m not personally resentful that I paid off my loans and others won’t -- it does bother me that the forgiveness is so broad and Mr. Sellers thought it should be even more generous. Er, what? What if it were smaller and targeted to just Pell Grant recipients (Hello there, I was one) or to people making less than 80K I don’t think there would be near the resentment and anger. I don’t buy Mr. Sellers glibness.

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Well, on the good news side, Sarah Palin lost. I guess running away from her job as governor for speaking gigs with Fox, et al doesn't look too good on a résumé.

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I agree Biden owes Republicans an apology for stating the obvious--- they are semi-fascists.

He should do so immediately after the Republican Party apologizes for calling Democrats socialists, communists, groomers and baby killers.

I understand why Maggie Hassan went all squishy over it calling it painting with too broad a brush. But really until the GOP actually makes an effort to distance themselves from the semi-fascists in their midst it is clear they are willing to be fellow travelers with them.

If a duck looks like a duck, sounds like a duck and walks like a duck--- it's probably a duck.

PS. I think Democrats should subvert and repurpose "Let's go, Brandon!" and turn it on it's head as a way of mocking the MAGAts.

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Great podcast conversation between Bakari, Lis, and Tim (3 NYT bestselling authors!).

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In state politics, being the one who waits for the governor to die is a totally powerless position.

IT is a good spot to place a troublesome ally.

Is Kemp following the maxim "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer" ?

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I do think the MAGA Republicans meet the definition of fascism. More importantly they meet the definition of terrorism. Their ardent refusal to do anything about gun violence that could help stave off mass shootings in public places like schools, grocery stores, concerts, churches, etc. is intentional. It destabilizes the public’s perception of the government’s ability to protect them which is one of government’s primary functions. January 6 was purely and simply a terrorist operation that was intended to overthrow the legally elected government violently. The fact that Trump planned it and wanted to personally lead it is indicative that he is a fascist.

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