"In a brief interview with POLITICO on Saturday, Walker seemed to mistake which chamber of Congress he was running for and also appeared to think the outcome of his race would determine control of the Senate."

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I used to like bowties, but Henry Olsen has destroyed them for me.

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Newt is a travesty, he is no one to. speak to Walkers "commitment to Christ"....I have noticed he seems to want to be relevant again..

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The GQP = human filth.

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Ron Johnson makes me sick.

That is all.

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I can ignore a lot of Repub crazy, but that quote by Dana Loesch really threw me for a loop. How can people live with themselves?

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Will any of this be covered by the media in general, and the Bulwark in particular. I think it is worthy of some discussion. Maybe. Sort of?


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Regarding Walker, for years I've heard the reply from my Maga friends "So What? They all chisel, lie, and are hypocrites."

It matters to me, but I've trouble explaining why they ought to care and ought to reject voting for the worst of them. If you have any suggestions, they would be most welcome!!

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I'm on a cruise ship and at one of the dinners the Captain introduced the crew. Two of the crew were from Ukraine and there was a rousing applause for them. This was a ship with mostly white suburban, (and southern) older guests. I think Fox News and their love for Putin is not shared by people they assume are their constuency. Too many of them remember the dangers of Soviet Russia and Putin't connection to it.

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I’m growing weary and suspect many others are also. The FILTH, Lawlessness and lack of accountability has worn me down. I know Garland is working at bringing Trump and others to answer BUT the process is sooooooo loooong that many have lost faith it will ever happen, including me. Our country just can’t provide the speed of reacting and nipping these crimes to let citizens believe it’s even possible. Bannon is found guilty yet it takes 6 months for sentencing on such a simple but serious crime. - over a year for Flynn. Meanwhile Bannon uses his show to daily help increase the hate level and willingness to violence of these MAGAs. Trump isn’t even indicted after almost 2 years of obvious attempt at insurrection - and will likely be 2 years before that happens, IF the Ds keep POTUS, so DOJ.

I will definitely vote in midterms - D down the ballot, but I can understand why some will be too dejected to. And that may lose us our majorities and democracy, and much more cruelty coming our way.

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Broads and skanks…..1 in 4 women have had an abortion at some time in their lives and the Hyde amendment prohibits government money to be used for this MEDICAL procedure. So I guess there are more skanks not using taxpayer dollars than anyone on the right seems to think. Now, how do women keep the government out of our skanky vaginas????? Oh, wait. Maybe vote blue to codify Roe. Yeah, that’s it….vote Democratic. Vote BLUE.

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Little Miss Super Beets really is just garbage with a pricey haircut. Then again, the NRA had a tendency to collect garbage in its media arm--Miss Super Beets...Dan Bada-Bingo (still amazed how he passed entrance screening for rhe Secret Service)...and a few more mediocrities that I am not interested enough to look up at the moment. Should anyone be surprised that Miss Super Beets is this vile..no, not really--she has been this way for years.

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Charlie, when you say (in the Herschel Walker commentary) that the “Ethics and Public Policy Center,” is "inaptly named", might I point out that the name DOES NOT SAY if they are FOR or AGAINST ethics in public policy! The fact that their Statement of Principles is endorsed by the Family Research Council (equally "inaptly named") might offer a clue!

Standing rule for the alt-conservative MAGA GOP team: It's not how you play the game, it's whether you win or lose!

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I’ve sort of left behind my anger and caring about what the Republican Party has devolved into. It’s almost a waste of time which I have precious little of. Then Charlie puts this mornings product out - and - my rage re-emerges. I’m a new Christian in the evangelical mold- and I’m disgusted by the sweeping and, I think , idolatrous behavior of political Christians(ie Trump Republican Christian voters) and their political wannabes - I see you RonJon, Liddle Marco, etc. I doubt that there are any Republican members of Congress who actually read scripture and understand it’s message as my Lord Jesus Christ meant it. They are as blasphemous as the Pharisees and as far away from the truth of our Lord and Creator.

The only solution is a complete and utter destruction of the Republican Party as it exists. I don’t know exactly how to do that - but as a start I’m supporting and voting for whatever Liz CHENEY 2024 wants.

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I guess we've all gotten past the fact that Walker is an inarticulate homunculus with no discernible qualifications for the U.S. Senate, whose only reason for being selected by the GOP was their cynical calculation that being black would negate Raphael Warnock's appeal to black voters.

I normally cringe at playing the "race card", but once in a while the clear political subtext of a situation is so repugnant and insulting that it has to be called out. To me, there's a bold attack ad here that writes itself. String together a few of Walker's unintelligible mind-vomits in response to actual policy questions and then juxtapose them with Warnock. "This is what the GOP thinks of black Georgians. That they'll prefer *this* guy to *this* guy." Maybe they're waiting for the debate to do this for them.

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Their argument is that if Matt Gaetz, for example, wants to have sex with a 12-year old prostitute in public, beat her savagely, then fly her to California for an abortion, then murder her afterward for fun while high on cocaine and chanting hail Satan, and they still need to vote for him because he'll vote against abortion and communism. I see.

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