The compassion, empathy, generosity, and kindness towards those in need and the courage to defend democracy worldwide no longer exist in the GOP. These are the things that made America the greatest country in the world.

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Charlie feel better… had Covid last month for the first time… If you don’t have a cool steam humidifier you should get one on Amazon it’ll be there tonight… I found that I was able to sleep comfortably only with Jurassic levels of moisture in the air. Just south of where it was set off my smoke alarms. it works… hang in there & get well soon!

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"...putting lipstick on the Trumpian wildebeest". I think you meant to say the Trumpian warthog.

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By all means, MAGAtollahs, storm the nation's cockpit. You be al-Qaeda and we'll be Delta. Guess who wins?

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Listening to you and Will this afternoon, I thought you might be interested that sometimes weather balloons are not just weather balloons. For some reason Lawn Chair Larry, a 1982 Darwin Award Honorable Mention (i.e., he survived), always stuck in my mind. You never know what the payload of that balloon could be...


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I appreciate the people here who have pointed out that "Meatball Ron" is probably an ethnic slur, at least in Trump's mind. I hope people won't repeat it. My late father was about 10 years older than Trump, and although he himself would never use ethnic slurs, I remember when I was a child that he told me what the Italian area of St. Louis, now know as "The Hill" was called in his youth, and explained to my complete surprise that there had been a lot of prejudice against Italians at that time. On the pod today, Charlie (or maybe it was Will) talked about Trump having the mind of a 12-year-old. I think that is a little generous to him, but it's important also to remember WHEN he was 12, 1958. Based on everything else we have seen from him, there's no reason to think his views of Italian-Americans has come any further than his views on any other racial or ethnic group.

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“ the fact that so many Democrats engaged in Fox News Fallacy-style arguments for voting against Salazar’s resolution shows disrespect for these voters—especially the independents and crossover voters who decide today’s closest elections.” - reaction to the word socialism.

No - the ONLY DEMS who may engage in extreme left “Fox News Fallacy-style arguments” are a fringe low percentage of Dems who haven’t gotten their way yet, while the right-wing Fox News Fallacy group IS the majority Republican Party. So, go ahead and vote for those Rs, if you must, but that will be on you when you live in an Authoritarian country.

How do you think it is appropriate in any way to throw threatening expectations at a party (Dems) you don’t belong to but whose candidates give you sane alternatives from a Nazi government the Rs present? Seriously, the Nerve! I’m not a Dem either but thank goodness they have candidates who want to govern our country for the betterment of citizens. Even though I don’t always agree with them, I am happy they still want a democracy!

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Thanks for writing about The Claremont Institute, Mr. Eastman’s home. Their descent from intellectualism to authoritarianism is nothing short of amazing.

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Sorry, but I'm not going to run away from the word socialism just because it scares some people. Socialism and capitalism are economic perspectives that can and do work in concert with each other in very practical ways that enhance the stability of democratic societies. I'd prefer to remain in the conversation with the people who fear socialism in the hope that we can develop a common understanding of what the term means in actual practice.

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As everybody went on and on about Hunter and a few thousand here and there, I kept asking doesn't anybody care about the 2 billion Jared got? There was never any doubt from that first "presidential" trip t**** was there to ingratiate himself to the Saudis and all that money.

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Democratic politicians do not have the 30 minutes necessary to enlighten each and every voter about what socialism is and isn’t.

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Over the past 150 years, every time some politician states that workers have the right to a livable wage, that unions can help with that, or that the government can provide some kind of financial support to help every citizen benefit from some necessary service, such as education, healthcare, childcare, or food and housing, the wealthy families and big corporations yell “socialism.” The wealthy families and big corporations do not approve of anything that would increase their taxes or cut into their profits. They have no regrets about living in a country in which some of their employees cannot afford their rent, or get healthcare. They usually favor that those people should go to war to protect our capitalist interests and need for energy resources, such as Vietnam and Iraq, and earlier wars with Spain and Mexico. Of course, slavery was an energy policy also, and we went to war over that. The Claremont Institute seems ready to go to war over that again.

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There you went and did it. This uncovering of unprecedented graft, grift and corruption will now lead to another round of bogus Hunter investigations, trans bigotry and CRTmania. Distract, distract, distract.

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“MEATBALL”. I’ve warned my Trump-loving Italian in-laws since 2016 that it was just a matter of time for Trump to denigrate their brown-skinned ethnicity. No surprise to me.

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Interesting column from Kerr. Was Ruy not available? (He is, of course, quoted.) It seems to me that to adopt the view that Dems must bash "socialism" like the GOP tacitly acknowledges that American voters are stupid, because they are against something they can't even define. Maybe the way Dems should frame it is "we are against the ownership by the state of the means of production."

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They're just NOW realizing that sending Jarred, Trump’s son-in-law, home with a 2 billion check was fishy?

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