Waunakee seriously ?!#@ Charlie, has McKenna even been to Waunakee ? What's next the left subverting Wausau ? Load McKenna on a bus and send her to Ronnie D. down in Florida, he's owed some crazy.

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Well I am offended!!!

The assumption that ALL "Furries" use litter boxes is demeaning and disrespectful of the inherent diversity of the "Furry Community"! Some prefer to urinate and defecate on the ground (with and without poop bags) and some are not house broken and prefer to release where they are standing.

Why must all "Furries" be treated like they are cats and kittens.

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Oct 18, 2022·edited Oct 18, 2022

Regarding Furrygate, folks should be reminded that Halloween is coming...

Of course the hysteria around litter boxes means that kitties could no longer call a school home like Room 8 did.


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Oct 17, 2022·edited Oct 17, 2022

When I clicked to read the article behind the headline "Is Romney's Non-Endorsement Really Puzzling," I assumed that what Sykes was talking about was Romney's failure to endorse _McMullin_, not Romney's failure to endorse the incumbent who happens to have an R next to his name. I actually am puzzled about why Romney hasn't endorsed McMullin over Lee.

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Trump is no Captain Moroni..

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I have read a suggestion that some teachers have stocked kitty litter in their classrooms, concerned that their terrified students will need a place to pee during a school shooter lockdown situation.

Perhaps that is the origin of the rumor?

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Is the furry panic a thing anyone under 40 falls for? As someone who's had internet access since early adolescence and known that furries were a thing for nearly two decades, it strikes me as a really weird thing to morally panic over.

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Everyone remember that the GOP's donors see this happening, ergo they are supporting the drive to a fascist state. We need a way to fight them.

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The WAPO article Charlie links to, on the infighting at Truth Social, seems suggestive to me of why trump might want to do damage to the platform (i.e., revenge) by soiling it with his antisemitism. If Musk lets tfg back on Twitter, tfg won't want Truth Social anymore anyway.

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Trump's dueling, "I was the best president ever for the Jews and I don't know why they don't support me," and, "I'll welcome the support of people who chant 'death to the Jews' because they like me" is as logically incoherent as...well...pretty much anything else he does.

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Two votes to convict Trump is pretty brave.

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Such good comments today! You all have written everything I’ve been thinking! Scary times indeed.

I take for granted the fact that my family & I will probably be OK here in very blue New England. But - maybe not….

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After reading 3 books about Trump in 2016 b4 the election my belief was, if elected, he will think he’s king of the USA with greater powers than a POTUS actually has. However, the longer in office with no accountability for his crimes while there he became a malicious wannabe-dictator. With the blind support (even violence) he has gotten since his loss and STILL no accountability he will be a dictator DEMANDING full loyalty from all and searching those out who don’t - and following Putin’s methods of dealing with them. It IS happening here. It is EXTREMELY important the Rs and Trump do not win majority. R majority is Trump’s guarantee of re-election to an office he will never leave.

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Okay Ladies (abortion and birth control), Jewish people (Trump/Rs and the modern holocaust) and Latino people (Trump sends all back to where the came from and shoots any incoming in arms and legs to deter them). If all this isn’t enough to prevent you from voting for any R, you’re hopeless and deserve what you will reap.

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former US president threatens an entire population of American citizens based on their religion. but this is just another Monday in America in 2022. At this point, Jesus would volunteer to prosecute fat Hitler for Garland, an American Jew - what a coincidence. Go get him Merrick…

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My reading is Romney clearly is pulling for Evan to unseat Lee for the reasons you cite but is not prepared to declare open warfare on the GOP like Liz and Adam.

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