That's true. But I think perhaps we don't have to keep giving the megaphone and constant news coverage to these characters either.

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Superb newsletter as usual Charlie, thank you. Particularly loved today's 'Cheap shots'. I thought you might like to know you were also quoted on The New Yorker's new weekly political panel pod with Evan Osnos, Jane Mayer and Susan Glasser. It's a great pod. It was Jane Mayer who was most taken with your observations about Kevin McCarthy, especially your 'self gelding' remark. Priceless.

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Wow these people are really fascists. They don't even hide it. Trump's posession of Top Secret documents seems even more sinister in light of Bolsonaros son's visit. And what up with Tucker Carlson.

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That is beautifully said. None of these people are particularly attractive. I don't get it and I'm tired of making the effort to. They are dangerous and destructive so lets contain them somehow and get away from them.

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He is indeed a pig of the first water.

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Thanks for that. It makes for a clearer view of lots of things. And yet DT was seen as a norm-breaker. Given your definition he sounds more like her was a old-norm enforcer.

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I also worked/retired AT&T. I only owned the AT&T stock they gave me in matching 401k contributions. Immediately sold it when their 401k rules allowed me to move it after it aged enough to let me move the money to another investment within the 401k, and sold any remaining I had immediately upon retirement. They once gave their managers their annual bonus in stock instead of cash, which had to be sold within 10 years. 10 years later it still wasn’t worth what it was when they gave it to me so got

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Where's the quiz????

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Bannon proudly calls himself a “Leninist,” but condemns Lula for being a “Marxist” and a “Communist dictator.” But wait, wasn’t Lenin also a Marxist and a Communist dictator? So wouldn’t that also make Lula a Leninist? Not that anything Bannon says needs to make sense to his cult. Whatever keeps them foaming at the mouth.

One thing Bannon really isn’t, though, is an anarchist. If Biden or Lula had lost, he would not have been fomenting insurrections on their behalf. He wants reactionary populist dictators installed as presidents-for-life.

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I got a 15, I'm fucked.

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Jan 10, 2023·edited Jan 10, 2023

My nickname for Steve Bannon is Oogie Boogie. Remember him? The big baddie from "The Nightmare Before Christmas"?

I mean, there's his personality – sociopathic, dishonest, gloating and boastful in his disregard for basic decency. He operates in the shadows, sowing fear, reaping discord. Y'know, all of that nefarious, evil-villain type of thing.

But also, there's just something about his rough appearance. His decay-ravaged complexion. The multi-layered sheath of woven cloth enclosing his lumpy, oafish form, seemingly necessary for him to maintain corporeal state. Almost as if, at any moment, you expect someone might pull on a thread and cause his outer husk to disintegrate, revealing the pile of maggots comprising his fetid soul.

Yeah, I know. I'm in a mean mood.

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I was just thinking much along the same lines. During the 60's in Berkeley, my mom used to keep saying "After they've torn it all down, what are they planning to put in its place?" Some people like to destroy and tear down period. End of discussion. They build nothing, create nothing new, just piss on whatever post they come to. It's hard for most people to wrap their minds around and it is behavior that has to be stopped.

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I said back in 2015 Bannon was the most dangerous crank in the neo fascist movement. He was super intelligent, controlled a media outlet with lots of clicks, had no scruples, and for whatever reason, really dedicated to blowing up governments. Whatever is inside Bannon and his multi shirt look, it isn't pretty. He needs to be in prison with the rest of the psychopaths.

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If you haven’t already listened to Rachel Maddow’s 8 party pod cast ULTRA it’s all you need to understand about why these criminals are not being prosecuted and convicted. It’s different day same story.

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All of this is gut wrenchingly depressing. We will not solve our problem with dimwits and egomaniacs. With all the really accomplished people out there in the world, why do we have to spend time stewing in this garbage? I know why, because the thought of being overtaken by crazies has proved to be a terrible strategy for human survival and it has to be stopped.

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"The GOP in 2023: A Pop Quiz"

I encourage everyone to take it. I got 16 out of 17 - all of the ones I answered correctly, I believe, have been covered by Charlie in Morning Shots recently, or perhaps one of his recent appearances on MSNBC shows of late.

The one I got wrong? Missed where Nancy Pelosi was arrested and shipped to Guantanamo Bay - but in retrospect I should have been able to deduce it.... Somehow, Charlie neglected to cover that one...

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