"rescind the 2020 elections

immediately remove Joe Biden from the White House

immediately put President Trump back in the White House and

and hold a new special election for the presidency"

Does it seem odd to anyone else that Trump would ask a random Rep from Alabama to do these things?

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Nobody is too crazy for Mo!!!!!!!!!!

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Love the Stalin story! And anyone who hasn’t seen The Death of Stalin - shame, shame! Classic line in there about weak men, definitely written with Trump in mind.

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Hell hath no fury like a sycophant scorned?

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I was thinking about Ted and Josh—especially old Ted sending his kids to a super woke elite school — and it reminded me of the old phrase limousine liberal, except now we have limousine conservatives, Who want everybody to think that they dip, drove a big ole pick up truck, and either homeschool their kids or send them to some religious Academy. The idea that old Ted PAYS for his kids to go to some libtard school where they learn CRT, wokeness, and one can only assume how to hate America, why it’s enough to make you think Ole Ted is just a hypocrite and a man who doesn’t believe his own BS.

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Regarding transgender rights, some children are born intersex. Their gender may not be discernible at birth or they may have aspects of both genders. Parents and doctors do their best to choose the right gender, but sometimes end up choosing wrong. If one knew a child as a boy but then started seeing him increasingly acting and dressing more girlish and then the parents start referring to the child as “she”, one would likely assume the parents were helping the child change from their biological gender at birth to a different gender. But that assumption could be wrong. It might actually be a gender correction for an intersex child. Compassion, love and nuance are needed.

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I do find it "heart-warming" that Mittens Romney, who is not seeking the presidency, outpolls at 3%...the ReTrumplican't Party's slobering presidential candidates:

Cruz 2% - He of Extreme Unctuousness

Rubio 1% - The earnest Li'l Marco

Hawley 1% - Senate Seditionist

R. Scott 1% - Marketing Director for the DNC

Christie 1% - Does He Even Have a Job?

Cotton 0% - Truly the embodiment of "A Pencil Neck Geek."

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It is amazing how all these people that attach themselves to trump seem to keep forgetting the Prime Principles of being Trump adjacent... and keep getting burned by their lapse of memory.

1) Never contradict Trump;

2) Never even hint that Trump is anything less than perfect and a stable genius;

3) Do whatever Trump tells you to do;

4) Loyalty only goes one way and that direction is NOT towards YOU;

5) If you are Trump adjacent, you have already demonstrated that you have no ethics, morals, or principles so why have any qualms now? Everyone already knows what you are.

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I also take note that Belarus has offered asylum to the latest man convicted in the Jan 6th attack and that he's accepted it. You really can't fix stupid.

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The very appearance that TFG has any staying power at all will I suspect be accompanied by the GOP of having no platform come the next national election. It has become a party of true know nothings. Truth as evidence splayed forth on a daily basis is never examined at all. COVID is an ongoing plot. The election was stolen Q.E.D. Babies are racists from the moment of conception. In New Hampshire we have legislators wanting secession. In Europe the conversation regarding nuclear weapons being used has gone from lunatic fringe to expectation of normalcy. "Just little Nukes". None of it really matters since the planet is burning up.

We really are going over the edge and seem indifferent to that fact. I feel like we've used the planet up and what remains will be incinerated by crazy people with AK47's. . I don't think I'm exaggerating all that much either. I will not be at all surprised to see this all end in a fireball.

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Mar 24, 2022·edited Mar 24, 2022

Rubio 1%

Say a little prayer for Lil' Marco.

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"suggestion that the election might have been legitimate is “a mortal sin” in Trump’s world"

This is correct. Only obsequiously public ardent bootlicking, tithes by the thousands and expectedly more, and piles on reeking piles of servile praise bequeathed to that omnipotent genius [sic], that orangutan-tinted Godhead, are acceptable in His world.

What world? The universe of that perfect scumbag, Grande El Supremo TFG.

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I'm old enough to remember when "science" (aka The Wonderlic) proved Black men weren't smart enough to coach or play quarterback in the NFL.

No mention of Senator Mike Braun saying that The Loving decision was wrong. I'm sure he has science to back that up as well

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Regarding transgender rights... Please find and read the Utah governor's veto message over a draconian bill, rushed through the legislature at the last minute. His reasoning is nuanced, heartfelt and kind. Compare and contrast with the demagoguery of Florida's Ron DeSantis waging war on other human beings. Sadly his veto no matter how reasonable and humane--- is bound to be overridden. Because for Republicans the cruelty IS the point.


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"Let’s put all of this in context for all the cool kids who are yelling Charlie, why can’t you just move on?"


Some of us have expressed how depression inducing the fact that we need to continue to talk about Trump is. (A.B. Stoddard expressed something similar on your podcast yesterday.) Please don't interpret this as a request to move on. When a house cat can't seem to master using the litter box, this is a depressing fact. But it's a fact that needs to be dealt with.

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If the Ukrainians take back Irpil, Bucha, and Hostomel from the Russians to the west of Kyiv then that Russian flank will be seriously fucked geographically-speaking. Hope they're able to take those areas back come Monday.

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